I do a review like this so I can have them all in one place to look back on.
I made a quilt for Rebecca for her second girl. post: here
I also made a couple pillows for Sue (I made a quilt last year with her daddys pjs post: here) So even though i didnt blog these separately they are now documented :)
I also started swimming so I made a tote for myself to take my wet stuff home in. Post: here
But then that tote was too small, so i had to make a bigger one. This one was crazy big! post: here
I made myself a medium one but not sure i have taken pics of it.
in March my parents came for a visit on the way to Florida and I offered to make mom a big bag and a holder for her Nexus 7. Post: here
we found out the bag was big enough for my son :)

April saw my parents stopping by on their way home from Florida and I had made some placemats and pillows. Post: here
I also made a dress for Abigail. post: here
May, June. July
May had us on a road trip and I didnt post anything in June and in july we were in canada.

I made a quilt for someone who had been on a mission trip that saw her in 11 countries in 11 months. post: here
I also finished a mystery quilt for my quilt guild that is not finished or blogged about. but the top is done :)
We went back to Canada again this time for my sisters wedding!!
I am working on a wedding quilt for her that was used as the guest book. no sneak peeks!
This is a table topper I made for MC to give to Judy's daughter to go with the napkins that she made her.
also not blogged anywhere.
In september I went to my quilt guilds retreat where I made a scissor holder, a tablet/phone holder, and a table topper for MC to give to Judy's daughter to match other napkins, and a baby quilt for a friend
I also finished my sisters quilt top!
In October I had a couple quilts displayed at the local Arts council. post: here
In November I was able to give my friend her baby quilt for her 4th girl. post: here
I made a baby quilt for April that I still haven't given to her!! post: here
I made a mug rug and tea wallet for +Debbie Hudson just because she would like the fabric. Post: here

For Christmas gifts I made a lot of pot holders.
post: here
This was my offering for my christmas gift gift exchange at my quilt guild.
post: here
I did a lot more this year than I thought I did. I have been so bad at blogging that it was a good thing I went through my pictures :)