This Past weekend was a wonderful one. We were able to go back to Canada and see our friends get married!
Ryan and Christine are perfect for each other!
Dave was in the wedding party as a groomsman and I was the 'Mistress' of Ceremonies for the Reception.
I think i did a good job as people were thanking me for it later. (most of them were the older bunch though.. humm....)
A few jokes fell flat as any good marriage joke might- but I had a fun pass the gift game. I was happy to see that the gift went back and forth across the room a few times.
We took a long weekend to get there in time to preform our duties.
We left Lenoir on Thursday morning at 6am! We arrived at Amanda's hair shop in Welland around 5 (that makes it about 12 hours to mom and dads)
We spent the night at mom and dads and left early Friday to pick up Dave's tux in Mississauga at 10 am. From there we headed to Colbourg which is a further 2.5 ish hours.
We were able to have lunch with Ryan while Christine and the girls were at a spa.
Friday night we met many of their families at the get together. There was no rehearsal because they were not able to get into the hall til 9am Sat. Afterwards we all went back to Christine and Amy's room with some drinks and hung out til 10pm. Ryan tried to get back to the room they would be using on their wedding night but he was followed (apparently they are bad for tricks on the new married couple in his family) so he came back to our room and we chatted til 11 or so. Then it was time for bed!
Saturday I didnt have much to do so I went to the Hall where the Reception and Wedding were taking place. I helped with the decorations as well as trying to keep Chris' mom calm (success in first but not second). With a few minor things it was all set for the wedding. I headed back to the hotel to change and then go get lunch where Christine was getting ready.

Andrea (my best friend) was there as the Photographer so I got to spend some time with her. I helped her later with some photos too.
The Ceremony went off with only a glitch or two (the person playing the CD couldnt see when to change the song ect)
Pictures went well and so did the Reception.
really- im just running out of things to say.
so here are a few photos :)
(i have more on Facebook)