Saturday, February 23, 2013

Snow Pictures 2013

We went geocaching last saturday and a snow storm came and found us :)

It was one of those pop up snow showers that doesnt just happen around here.

We heard a soft roaring sound as the wind blew in and then it started to snow and then it started pouring snow. It was so lovely to hear the snow hitting tree branches etc.

You can read +Dave DeBaeremaeker 's account over here.

 There are about 20 minutes between this first picture and the last one.  Zeke continued to play in the falling snow while I fed Abigail and we had to be on our way home. By the time we drove 30 minutes towards home the roads were dry and snow was melting.

 This is when I realized that we dont keep Zeke's face very clean.
 note the snowflake on his eye lashes

Mei Tai Carrier

A few weeks ago +Emily Miller  gave +Christina Borrego Buck a carrier that she had made so Christina could make one as well. 

I loved it and decided to make one myself.
I tested out Emily's when we went on a day trip- you can see it in action on +Dave DeBaeremaeker 's blog here, here and here (what can i say- it was a good picture day)

Since im not skinny and Dave is a big guy as well I made the straps very long- probably too long- oh well. 
I also decided to make it reversible. 

and here we are trying it out.

it is quite comfortable

 And I can even carry Zeke in it (not that I would want to)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Funky Monkey take 2

I made this quilt for Meredith last year and had a very hard time giving it up!

So I ended up buying more material for another quilt. This time it was going to stay with me!

I started this quilt on Saturday Feb 9th
Dave got some "in progress" shots for me :)
I wanted it to be big enough to snuggle under. I had the boys test it for me. I added a 3 inch border around it.

Zeke really wanted to help me to he learned how to baste a quilt with pins :)

Since I had A LOT of pins in it I used this magnetic bowl to catch them in as I took them out while quilting. 

Its kind of hard to see the letters- but I signed it and added a heart because I pulled it out of the dryer on Feb. 13th and signed it the 14th. Done in 4 days! whoohoo

I used the sock monkey fabric for the backing. You can see the front shining though in this picture
You can go here: to see what the panels say. the center 15 blocks are the exact same as Meredith's quilt.

Zeke loves it and "races" around the outside blocks. 

Sit in the Back of the Class, Assignment 5 and 6

Week 5 Assignment- Eerie. This was a very hard one for me. I do not like scary, creepy, or eerie things. Finally on the night before it was due I ran out after the kids were asleep and got a few pictures. 

Assignment 6- Furry. This one was much easier for me even though I only got 5 images. 

furry dust bunny :)

ps- you can click on any image to see it bigger

Saturday, February 9, 2013

My quilt room before and afters

When my son was moved into the guest room I was kicked out of that space into the basement. 

I just dumped things down here and worked around it for a while- but  I havent quilted for a while. 

Then I got the news that a good friend was finally pregnant with #2. That gave me the kick in the but to get going on cleaning things up. 

This is as clean as I am likely to get in anytime soon so I got some pictures. 

(this is VERY picture heavy!!)

before- rack
after- rack

before- desk
after- desk

before- corner
after- corner

before- desk
I got a shelf hung up for more storage space. The green thing has my scrapbooking stuff in it. 
after- desk
So I cleaned things up. I folded my fabric up on magazine size comic book inserts

I got this at Walmart. its on wheels and the multitude of drawers is nice.

I hung up this up and hung up some of my things :)

My fabric all folded up. This is my 1/2 yardage or more.  The smaller ones are in bins on the wire shelf. 
 The drawers put away. 

My kids are contained
Zeke asked to join Abigail in the play pen. 

Then I got my hubby to take some "in action" shots.
from his desk

Rock on!

Happy Quilting everyone!

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