Saturday, November 8, 2014

Quilts on Display

One of my aquafit class members insisted that i needed to enter a quilt into the Caldwell Visual Artist Competition at the local arts council. It cost $10 to enter two pieces of art in. 

I thought, "why not?"

You may remember this first one and possibly even signed the back of it because its a geocaching quilt that is also a trackable and an actual cache on open (or soemthing like that, I just make the quilt!)

its not common for artists to allow their work to be touched while on display (ESPECIALLY quilts)
I always want to. 
So since these quilts are actually in use quilts I thought It would be nice to let people touch them

This second quilt was one I had completed in the time frame required (last 12 months). it was this one blogged over here

oh and the NFS- is Not For Sale


Linette said... 1

Just love your quilts keep up the good work ♥

I bought one quilt and my mom bought me two others from this store in my local mall called Quilts Etc. and they all sucked bad, once they get washed a few times they start to full apart and once the sale was final there was no returning them.

We kept buying them there because they were the only place who sold them so cheap it just goes to show you get what you pay for and they are a perfect example for that.

I went to Sears and bought one there and I've had it for just over a year now and still no rips, no lose stitching, just nothing it's still like new and I've washed it quite a few times already.

It did cost more but, again it is proof that you do get what you pay for. =0)

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