July 1st is Canada Day and July 4th is Independence Day. Dave got both days off!!
this is exciting as we had a chance for a long weekend.
Dave had learned of Geowoodstock taking place about 10 hours from our home. This also placed it about 3 hours from our parents.
We decided that we all would go camping. My parents arrived early on Wednesday staying until the next wednesday.
Dave, Zeke and I left at 4 am (blech) on Friday arriving at the campground at 3pm. (staying til monday am)
We stayed in a KOA Kabin backing onto mom and dads site. it was perfect set up!
My sister showed up early saturday morning and stayed until Tuesday.
Daves parents came for the day on Sunday.
Friday morning we wake up dark and early at 4 am, leaving at 4:30 am.
Zeke traveled pretty well but didnt nap as much as we would have wished but not too bad.
We arrived about 3:30pm. We did a 10 hour drive in 11 hours including long stops for lunch and breakfast.
Zeke got a lot of snacks in the car including his leftover breakfast.
We got a Kabin.
This was a great way to go! mom and dad had all the pots and pans and kitchen bonus' and we got 4 walls.
See my critter quilt? that was its first time use.
We did have a double bed and 2 bunks but Dave and I dont sleep well together in a double bed! So I made up the bottom bunk as a back up.
Saturday morning we left Zeke with mom and dad and Amanda and took off to Geowoodstock!
Read Daves blog about this event.
It was a blast! I love these type of things (booths and venders etc) and Dave got to enjoy meeting some of the cachers that he had talked to online.
I even met someone from my hometown! Its a small town and very odd that I would meet someone randomly from there. I didnt know her because she left 20+ years ago.
There was a Tim Hortons in a nearby town!!
We went on the way to AND from the caching event and on the way home to NC.
Mom and Amanda and Zeke.
On Sunday Daves parents came up for the day. They brought up with them some Swiss Chalet Chicken!
Both sets of grandparents spoiled Zeke with treats and toys- just as any great grand parents should do.
We did some swimming and a lot of time spent around the camp fire.
For supper we did hotdogs and the pie iron. Cherry pie filling with some marshmallow is yummy!!
He may have had a few too many skittles.
We did some geo caching on the way home.
look what Zeke found.
We ended up taking 2 days to go home. This made the pace so much nicer.
Dave also posted that on his blog.
On the way home I heard a story on NPR (yes we like to listen to NPR- thats just how we roll) about Geocaching.
If you want to read a very short outsiders view of geocaching Check it out
Entertainment on the way home!
animal crackers in the toes.
Check out all my pictures below (there are some videos thrown in there as well)
You can click on them to be brought to my Picassa album where you can comment on the specific pictures if you like.
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