Monday, June 2, 2008

to the zoo

Today we slept in!! yay!
we left for the zoo after lunch and spent the day there.
It was a very enjoyable day.
Since I figure you have all been to a zoo i will leave out most of the details. There were animals and expensive food. You can see some as soon as i upload the pics :)
One thing that we didnt expect to see there was a Tim Hortons.
Im not kidding.
It was really there. Brand name.
We had to buy a donut, and man it was expensive. E1.95 which is $3.50 Canadian!
But oh soo good.
There was a guy there who said that we must be Canadians since we were taking pictures of the place. Apparently it is not uncommon for us Canadians to act silly in this way. He told us that a lot of Canadians are surprised to see it. They were selling donuts for a while but just recently added the coffee.
He also said that there was a few convenance type stores that sell the coffee and he thinks theres a shop near the airport not in though.

so that was our highlight of the day.

our lowlight was the TV service went on the blink and we couldnt get channels so we are reading and Im typing.

good night!


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