Someone on a FB page posted a quilt from this panel. I KNEW who I needed to make this for.
I tracked down the panel on etsy
And started free motion quilting
around the chicken feathers. (ended up going over them with 2 colours)
Quilted down the window frame and the window and the sunflower
I love how her hair turned out. straight on the brushed piece and curly on the ends
Everything was well quilted down except the girl. I just followed her outlines so she would stand out.
you can see that on her face and hands.
I gave the chickens a bit more definition on their wings and heads
got the grass
I love the curls on the pig
the fabric didnt have any woodgrain in the print so I added it with quilting

love that hair!
and done!!!
I used all these threads in the quilting of this panel.

And here is Ari!! they also have chickens.
I think you can understand why I needed to make this for her!
Her mom said that she exclaimed "thats me!!" when she saw it for the first time!
the back
and the hangers to put a dowel through to hang it.
Its fun to see the quilting on the other side. I wish I either used a darker bobbin or a lighter/less busy backing to see it even better.